what would life be if i could sleep-write?

I'd become a somniscribe.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It’s been a long time... I saw couple of good movies. JFK, Blood diamond and Spy Game.
Never got the time to fill in my critically important views on 'em all. Time being will just say that JFK is a must watch. The facts are well put within the storyline. I like the flow of the movie. I know, I know it’s probably the charm of an Oliver Stone movie. Still it’s edited brilliantly. No wonder it won the Oscar for the same in 1992. It’s a long movie. Over 3 hours. Quite intense too. Basically it’s a treat for 'serious' movie buffs not for the ones who watch movies just for their entertainment value. Although I must say that conspiracy theories can be quite entertaining. I should have watched this movie long back, that's the only regret. I had the DVD with me for so long!

Blood Diamond. Saw it, Loved it, Learned something too. I had my doubts when I went
for it cos my friend told me there's too much of a violence and Caprio is a rogue from
beginning to the end. So I checked on net and the review said 'another Oscar winning role
from Caprio'. I have to say the same thing too. The guy is brilliant. So was the Djimon Hounsou. It’s different from the movies that I have watched of Edward Zwick (he the director BTW). Although compared to many commercial movies with shots of violence on the street, in this movie that has not been romanticized. For once it looks very real. And worst of all you just get the feeling that that's what s happening in reality in those countries. At one point of time I had feeling that the movie might actually cos troubles for the diamond industry. I don't get to see a newspaper very often. So don’t know. Anyway I like the insecure chemistry that was present between the lead characters- danny, maddy n solomon. You have to watch the movie to know. Though sometimes no one trusts the other, most of the times they don’t have a choice but to trust. Done quite well. All in all it’s an excellent movie.

Spy Game. Starring B. Pitt. hmmm.. it’s ok. Regular but good entertainer type. It’s a Tony Scott movie. Nothing exceptional. It’s a CIA movie. It’s about this whole 'game' that takes place within the agency. Now that my friends, is quite interesting!



Blogger viPeR said...

agree with u on JFK, yet to watch Blood diamond and disagress on SPY Game, i felt itz a waste of time !!! JFK is informative and the thing tat struck me t most is Lyndel Johnson signing the Vietnam War soon after becoming t president....tat tells a lotta story !!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 8:39:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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